American embassies are closed in Muslim nations from Mauritania to Bangladesh in light of threats from a still-quite-dangerous al Qaeda.  Other Islamists are waging, or threatening, civil wars to impose their totalitarian shariah doctrine.

Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin contemptuously rejected Barack Obama’s request not to give asylum to NSA turn-coat Edward Snowden.  And Communist China is projecting growing military power to control the strategic South and East China seas.

Such are the predictable consequences of the Obama Doctrine of diminishing our country, emboldening our enemies and undermining our friends.  For too long, we have foolishly indulged in hollowing out our military, losing wars and otherwise signaling weakness and irresolution.

We had best return to the Reagan strategy of “peace through strength” before we have too little strength to secure our peace.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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