Losing Egypt To Russian Influence

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With Congressman Cynthia Lummis, Andy McCarthy, Ilan Berman, Gordon Chang

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With Congressman Cynthia Lummis, Andy McCarthy, Ilan Berman, Gordon Chang

CONGRESSMAN CYNTHIA LUMMIS of Wyoming explores the consequences that could arise from President Obama’s persistent efforts to cut down America’s ICBM arsenal.

ANDY MCCARTHY, of National Review and a former federal prosecutor, examines the legality of the NSA’s monitoring of phone records.

ILAN BERMAN, Vice President of the American Foreign Policy Council, discusses the internal problems that Russia’s aggressive actions outside its borders are intended to mask. He also explains the significance of the pro-EU riots in Ukraine, on which Vladimir Putin’s dreams for a Eurasian economic zone heavily depend.

GORDON CHANG, of Forbes.com, comments on recent revelations in China and North Korea that suggests a rise in the militarization of those allies.

Secure Freedom Radio

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