The Price of Losing Iraq

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Who lost Iraq? It’s a question likely to be asked often in the future. What is already no longer in doubt is that the country American men and women in uniform bled and died to secure from jihadists tied to al Qaeda and Iran is now relentlessly being taken over by them and their allies.

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Who lost Iraq? It’s a question likely to be asked often in the future. What is already no longer in doubt is that the country American men and women in uniform bled and died to secure from jihadists tied to al Qaeda and Iran is now relentlessly being taken over by them and their allies.

Places like Fallujah, Ramadi and Anbar province are immortalized on Marine and Army graves and battle flags. Thanks to the courage and sacrifice of our troops, and the willingness of many locals to stand with them, Iraq was given a chance to forge a secure and independent future.

Predictably, President Obama’s decision to abandon Iraqis who aspired to freedom created a vacuum of power, one that is now being ominously filled by their enemies – and ours.


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