The term “invasion” is increasingly used to describe what is happening along America’s southern border. By some estimates over 50,000 so-called “unaccompanied minors” have already illegally crossed into our country.

In fact, many of the invaders are not actually children. None is actually unaccompanied – they are brought in by smugglers. Virtually all expect Team Obama will allow them to stay. And many more are on their way.

In addition, some of these invaders are sick. Among their rumored illnesses are not just flesh-eating mites, known as scabbies, but potentially deadly diseases. These reportedly include: tuberculosis, chicken pox, H1N1 flu and shivering diseases, which may include hemorrhagic fever.

America’s public safety is at risk. This is not a “humanitarian crisis” to be managed. It is a dangerous invasion that must be repulsed.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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