Experts on Both Sides Agree: Budget Cuts Are Hurting Future U.S. Military

With Roger Zakheim, Dr. Jarno Limnell, Daniel McGroarty, Bill Gertz

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With Roger Zakheim, Dr. Jarno Limnell, Daniel McGroarty, Bill Gertz

ROGER ZAKHEIM, Former General Counsel of the House Armed Services Committee:

  • Unprecedented changes made in the most recent Quadrennial Defense Review
  • Findings of the National Defense Panel’s critical review of the QDR
  • Ways to minimize the gap between the U.S. military’s mission and resources
  • Bringing back the “peace through strength” doctrine to American foreign policy

Dr. JARNO LIMNELL, Director of Cybersecurity at McAfee, a product of Intel:

  • Understanding cyber threats as the biggest indicator of worldwide security
  • The international community’s responsibility for the creation of proactive measures of cyber defense
  • Top three cyber threats facing the West today
  • Implications of the expected addition of cyber attacks to NATO’s Article V

DANIEL McGROARTY, Founder and Executive Director of the American Resources Policy Network:

  • Globalization’s impact on access to strategic metals
  • Titanium’s critical use in civilian and military aircraft, and problems with the U.S.’s heavy reliance on Russia and other foreign sources for it
  • Ways to move the U.S. away from depending on China for 90% of its supply of rare earth metals

BILL GERTZ, Senior Editor at the Washington Free Beacon:

  • Yesterday’s acknowledgment of Russian INF Treaty violations by a State Department official
  • Continuing efforts by the Obama Administration to move towards nuclear disarmament
  • Recent Chinese anti-satellite weapon development and ballistic missile testing
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