At a time when our country is confronting great and growing threats, the ship of state is, at best, adrift. At worst, it is headed toward, if not actually on, the shoals.

The fault lies primarily, of course, with the Commander-in-Chief. But for too long, there has been no real Loyal Opposition offering clearly defined, coherent and sound alternatives to Barack Obama’s dangerously defective national security and foreign policies.

On September 29th, we will try to address this deficiency by convening a day-long National Security Action Summit in Washington, D.C. Dick Cheney, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, James Woolsey and Dinesh D’Souzah will be among the influential leaders participating.

I hope you will join us too, in person or via the live-streamed video. Get more information and register to join the Summit by going to

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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