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President Obama’s so-called “strategy” for “defeating and ultimately destroying” the Islamic State is failing disastrously.

That’s hardly a surprise: The President said it would be modeled after his campaigns to counter “violent extremists” in Somalia and Yemen. Somalia is still awash with al Qaeda’s franchise there and Iranian jihadists have just overrun the Yemeni capital.

Worse yet, the Islamic State itself has actually expanded its reach since the U.S. military was ordered to begin pin-prick airstrikes against its forces. From northern Syria’s Kurdish city of Kobani to the outskirts of Baghdad, this self-declared “Caliphate” is murderously imposing its shariah doctrine on Muslims and non-Muslims, alike.

Now, though, the Islamic State will be able to boast that it is defeating America. Which will only encourage them to bring their jihad here.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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