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With Ilan Berman

ILAN BERMAN, Vice-President of the American Foreign Policy Council and co-editor of “Iran’s Strategic Penetration of Latin America”:


  • Details of the newly released book, “Iran’s Strategic Penetration of Latin America,” and an overview of America’s failure to respond to Iranian influence in the Western Hemisphere
  • The emergence of a Shariah-centered and opportunistic Iranian foreign policy
  • How warm relations with Venezuela and other Latin American countries could give Iran direct strike capabilities against the U.S.


  • How White House desperation is moving Iran closer to a bomb
  • Pres. Obama’s tactical half-measure of cutting Congress out of Iranian nuclear talks
  • Has the United States enabled Iran to become the regional hegemony in the Middle East?


  • Will the U.S. and Iran strike a grand bargain to defeat the Islamic State?
  • America’s role in Iran’s transition from threshold nuclear state to regional hegemony
  • An opportunistic Vladimir Putin in a fragmented world order
  • How the absence of an overarching Western strategy to confront Putin is creating turmoil in Eastern Europe and Central Asia


  • Political distancing between Washington and Jerusalem evidenced in recent Administration rhetoric
  • U.S. foreign policy: “a feckless opponent and unreliable ally, breeding adventurism of enemies and suspicion from friends”
  • A need to implement a “no substitute for serious” doctrine to reverse the current status quo
Secure Freedom Radio

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