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With Sharyl Attkisson

SHARYL ATTKISSON, former investigative correspondent and author of “Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama’s Washington”:


  • The mainstream media’s abandonment of its traditional watchdog role in favor of partisan, quasi-journalism
  • The effects of special, corporate, and political interests in the editorial policies of major news organizations
  • Are modern journalists upholding the Founders’ idea of having the press serve a check-and-balance function on the government?


  • The mainstream media’s underreporting of the negative consequences of Obama’s amnesty plan
  • Politics, side picking, and “right and wrong” in crisis reporting
  • White House and Dept. of Justice connections to the Fast and Furious ATF gun running operation


  • A diminished Congressional role in government oversight and accountability
  • Coverage of the Obamacare fight in Sharyl Attkisson’s new book
  • An award winning journalist’s experience of investigating the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack


  • Controversial speculations on the causes of the Benghazi 9/11/12 attack
  • How political conformity in the mainstream media is hindering objectivity in investigative reporting
  • Evidence of government cyber intrusions into Attkisson’s personal computers
Secure Freedom Radio

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