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with Rep. Pete Sessions, Aviv Regev, Michelle Van Cleave, Diana West

Rep. PETE SESSIONS (TX-32), Chairman of the House Rules Committee:

  • Successful passage of the Critical Infrastructure Protection Act in the House
  • Has Iran penetrated U.S. electric grid control systems?
  • The wide-reaching implications of the executive action on amnesty
  • Why funding the government to avoid a shutdown is having a direct impact on Congress’ leverage from power of the purse

1st Lt. (Res.) AVIV REGEV, star of the new documentary “Beneath the Helmet: From High School to the Home Front”:

  • An inside look at “Beneath the Helmet,” which explores the challenges of Israeli teens during their mandatory service in the Israel Defense Forces
  • The diverse melting pot of the Israeli “People’s” Army
  • Re-surging threats from Hamas and other anti-semitic actors
  • Possible U.S. sanctions against Israel over land settlements

MICHELLE VAN CLEAVE, Nation Counterintelligence Executive under President George W. Bush:

  • The Senate’s newly-released CIA torture report
  • Is interrogation as a way of obtaining intelligence falling to the wayside?
  • The CIA’s need for human intelligence
  • Implications of the DNI’s establishment of a new center meant to combine security and counterintelligence functions

DIANA WEST, author of “American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character”:

  • Are Danish street gangs serving as a proxy force for enforcing Shariah law?
  • French police “No-Go” zones in certain predominantly Muslim neighborhoods
  • Founder of the Dutch Party for Freedom under assault regarding his comments about the Netherlands’ Moroccan minority
Secure Freedom Radio

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