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With Rep. Chris Stewart, Ilan Berman, Andy McCarthy, J. Peter Pham

Rep. CHRIS STEWART (UT-2), member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence:

  • The broken bipartisan consensus toward both Iranian nuclear weapons and true net neutrality
  • Pressing Secretary of State Kerry on Iran’s poor record of cheating
  • Why Harry Reid’s power is undiminished
  • The continued Congressional battle over defunding DHS

ILAN BERMAN, Vice President at the American Foreign Policy Council and author of “Implosion: The End of Russia and What It Means for America”:

  • Possible Kremlin connections to the Boris Nemtsov murder
  • Multi-part process to understand Russian action in Eastern Ukraine
  • Moscow’s appetite for former Soviet states now in the NATO alliance
  • The impact of NATO’s internal strife on any Western response to Vladimir Putin

ANDY MCCARTHY, Contributing Editor with National Review Online:

  • The true problem with Iranian nuclear negotiations is unrepentant Jihad, not centrifuges
  • Updating the Bush Doctrine to defeat state sponsors of terrorism
  • Hillary Clinton’s emails and the vindication of the Benghazi scandal

Dr. J. PETER PHAM, Director of the Africa Center at the Atlantic Council, and co-author of “Somalia: Fixing Africa’s Most Failed State”:

  • Regional forces’ recent successes in rolling back Boko Haram from several Nigerian cities
  • Al-Shabaab’s threat against the Mall of America in Minnesota and other targets in Canada and the U.K.
  • Why the diffusion of Al-Shabaab interests out of Somalia poses a danger to the West
Secure Freedom Radio

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