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With Rep. Doug Lamborn, Fred Fleitz, Irene Garcia, Mort Klein

Rep. DOUG LAMBORN (CO-5), Vice Chairman of the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces of the House Armed Services Committee:

  • The necessity of a fully funded defense in an increasingly dangerous world
  • Addressing spending without compromising national security
  • Why Netanyahu’s speech before Congress continues to be relevant
  • Congress’ role in vetting the President’s Iran deal

FRED FLEITZ, Center for Security Policy Senior Vice President for Policy and Programs and former CIA Analyst:

  • Administration leaks hinting at a possible Iran deal permitting 6,000 operating centrifuges and the immediate lifting of sanctions
  • The extent of the impact of financial sanctions on the Islamic Republic’s economy
  • Senate 47 letter reinforcing the premise that the Iran nuclear deal either be a treaty or congressional-executive agreement
  • Were hostile foreign intelligence services able to hack Hillary Clinton’s private cell phone?

IRENE GARCIA, Investigative Reporter at Judicial Watch:

  • Florida Department of Law Enforcement records showing that an Al Qaeda narco-trafficker served as an informant
  • Was Adnan El Shukrijumah given preferential treatment by the government, despite rumors of planning attacks within the U.S.?
  • How the Benghazi investigative committee catalyzed the Hillary Clinton email-gate mania
  • Chances of a federal court impounding Hillary Clinton’s private email servers

MORT KLEIN, President of the Zionist Organization of America:

  • Obama’s defeated campaign—waged with State Department funding–against Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu
  • An Israeli national security mandate achieved through threats from Iran and Hamas’ alliance with the Palestinian Authority
  • Would the Obama Administration refuse to utilize its UN veto to block the formation of an Iranian-Hamas terrorist state?
Secure Freedom Radio

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