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With Rep. Trent Franks, Daniel Sullivan and William Wisner, Diana West, Jim Hanson

Rep. TRENT FRANKS (AZ-8), Vice Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee’s Emerging Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee:

  • Problems with the disconnect between the military and the civilian electric grid
  • The Critical Infrastructure Protection Act’s proposal to use hardware-based solutions to secure the grid
  • Iran’s progress towards an eventual EMP capability, thanks to the current nuclear negotiations
  • Why sour relations with Israel undermines America’s international credibility
  • Will President Obama need further convincing on the National Defense Budget?

DANIEL SULLIVAN, President and Co-Founder of the Sergeant Sullivan Center, and WILLIAM WISNER, leader of the SSC’s Veteran Fellowship for Mission Leadership:

  • The story of USMC Sgt. Tom Sullivan’s health issues arising from exposure to hazardous environmental material during his combat deployment in Iraq
  • The Sergeant Sullivan Center’s mission of direct advocacy and promotion of private sector research on environmental-deployment injuries
  • Watching to see if the Department of Veterans Affairs will modify the Veterans Choice Act

DIANA WEST, author of “American Betrayal: The Secret Assault On Our Nation’s Character”:

  • Circumstances influencing President Obama’s decision to keep more troops in Afghanistan
  • Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson’s comments at the Muslim Public Affairs Council
  • Root crises of transnational progressivism and a unified, global government
  • Was the post-World War II order heavily shaped by Soviet influence operations?

JIM HANSON, Executive Vice President of the Center for Security Policy, and former Army Special Operations officer:

  • Political pressures weighing on President Obama’s decision to keep 9,800 U.S. forces in Afghanistan through 2015
  • Predicting the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps’s future role in the power vacuum of a post-U.S. occupied Iraq
  • Could the proxy civil war in Yemen escalate to direct conflict between Saudi and Iranian troops
  • President Obama’s refusal to meet with the NATO General Secretary, despite Vladimir Putin reinstating Novorossiya
Secure Freedom Radio

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