Hillary Clinton was not much of a New Yorker, even though she got to play one in the Senate for a time. Even she must be familiar, however, with a classic New York phrase: Fuggedaboutit.

That’s what Mrs. Clinton should do about her underwhelming campaign for the presidency. If she doesn’t do it voluntarily, however, it seems likely that she will soon be forced out – especially in light of the serial scandals exposed in bestselling author Peter Schweizer’s new book, Clinton Cash.

In a Sunday morning TV discussion of the implications of Schweizer’s revelations, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich declared, “If this was any person but Hillary Clinton they’d be under indictment right now.”

Under the Obama administration, Hillary may never actually be indicted. But if she thinks she can win, fuggedaboutit.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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