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Our global jihadist enemies appear to be reaching a tipping point. Or, more precisely, two of them.

First, we face rising aggressiveness on the part of the Islamic supremacists of Shiite Iran. Thanks to the Obamabomb deal, they are poised to establish regional dominance, either by their own direct use of coercive force or, thanks to the President’s determination to give Teheran $150 billion, via the support of proxies like Hezbollah and Hamas.

Second, according to a new investigative report by Sarah Carter published in USA Today, the Sunni Islamic State is seeking to attack India. By so doing, it hopes to precipitate a cataclysmic conflict that will draw in the United States and other non-Islamic powers to their doom.

Either way, unless these jihadists are stopped, we’re in trouble.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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