Yesterday, France gave its highest honor to three Americans and a Brit who courageously averted what French president Francois Hollande called an act of “terrorism.”

Actually, it was an act of jihad. The perpetrator’s father has acknowledged that the young Moroccan Muslim is “very religious.” That means he has been encouraged to believe – as do the authorities of his faith – that it is his duty to wage holy war to impose worldwide the supremacist Islamic code of shariah.

The French government is hardly alone in obscuring the danger posed by young Islamists and, therefore, incipient jihadists in their midst. And that problem will only grow if Iran – a state committed to global, violent jihad – gets a windfall of $150 billion that even Team Obama says will go in part to support “terrorism.”

Stop the Obamabomb deal.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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