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It’s been apparent for some time that the Obama administration will say ANYTHING to implement its disastrous nuclear deal with Iran. For example, the President has claimed it closes all “pathways to an Iranian nuclear weapons.” As Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer has noted, that’s not so.

Team Obama asserts we know about everything that Iran’s secretive program has done in closed sites. As former Clinton Director of Central Intelligence James Woolsey has written, that not true.

The President insists his deal is the only way to avoid war with Iran. Democratic Senator Bob Menendez disagrees.

Now, administration spokesmen are signaling that the deal will provide useful targeting information for a future attack on Iran’s nuclear program, instead of making it effectively impossible.

Is there really a Democrat – or anybody else – who buys that fraud?

Stop the Obamabomb deal.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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