An objective observer would have to conclude that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her partisans have obstructed justice from the moment jihadists attacked U.S. facilities in Benghazi, killing four Americans in September 2012.

Such obstruction seems likely to continue, not abate, when she appears tomorrow before a House select committee established to investigate what led to, happened during and flowed from that attack.

Hillary Clinton and her allies – both on and off the committee – must not be allowed to obscure one central reality: The deliberate and years-long Obama-Clinton policy of turning the Middle East over to Islamic supremacists not only got four Americans killed in Benghazi. It continues to devastate the region and our national security interests there.

It’s past time for accountability. Tomorrow’s hearing must be allowed to establish the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, Mrs. Clinton.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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