President Obama’s legacy is one of indifference to our security. To cite a few examples: He’s kept the borders open and, with his executive amnesty, encouraged enemies of this country – and countless other aliens – to come in.

He’s bringing many thousands of Syrian migrants here, even though they can’t be vetted for jihadist tendencies. He’s letting hardened drug criminals out of our jails, despite evidence that roughly half will perpetrate more crimes.

Now, he’s poised to bring jihadists from Guantanamo Bay to prisons, courts and communities in this country. The prisons will become still greater recruiting grounds for Islamic supremacists – some of whom may be sprung by U.S. judges while other terrorists target unwilling host communities.

At what point will Americans say enough of this President’s legacy-building at the expense of public safety? After more of us needlessly die? Or now?

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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