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This morning, French military personnel and police engaged in firefights with heavily armed and suicide-bomb-wielding jihadists in a suburb of Paris called St. Denis.

That neighborhood has long been designated by the French government as one of more than 750 areas in its nation called “sensitive urban zones.” Such zones are largely populated by unassimilated Muslim immigrants. Increasingly, they have been effectively off-limits to those who don’t adhere to the Islamic supremacists’ shariah code.

Colloquially, they’re called “no-go” zones.

These enclaves – and others like them across Europe – are ticking time-bombs. Even before hundreds of thousands more fighting-age Muslim men began migrating to the continent this year, Western authorities had reason to fear the jihadism fostered inside such no-go zones.

A day of reckoning has long been expected. That frightening moment may be at hand.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.

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