It’s been observed that a “conservative” is a liberal who was mugged by reality. There sure seem to be a lot of newly minted conservatives in Europe at the moment.

Suddenly, cherished European Union nostrums about open borders, not sharing air passenger lists, prohibiting offensive language, etc. are over the side. Brussels – the capital of both Belgium and Europeanism – is in lock-down for the third day over fears of impending terrorist attacks at the hands of Islamic supremacists.

Hillary Clinton, however, is a liberal here who seems unaffected by reality. Last week, she tweeted, “Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.

While that statement is true of many Muslims, it is, of course, preposterous to say that about all of them. She seems clueless about reality, and disqualified to be our next Commander-in-Chief.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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