Sunni Saudi Arabia executed a Shiite cleric over the weekend. And Shiite Iran has responded by sacking the Saudi embassy in Tehran.

Their ongoing proxy war in Yemen may be about to become a direct and very hot one.

That could wreak havoc on our geostrategic interests in the region, and cause sharp increases in the price of gasoline here at home.

Even more worrisome is the possibility that a conflict between the Saudis and the Iranians could become a nuclear one. If you think that can’t happen in the near term, you may be right.

But once Iran’s mullahs take delivery of the $150 billion in frozen assets that President Obama is determined to give them – perhaps as soon as this month, it’s just a matter of time before they have the bomb, and use it.

Stop the Obamabomb deal now!

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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