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With Dan Bongino, Dr. Daniel Gouré, Bill Gertz, Jim Hanson

DAN BONGINO, former Secret Service Agent and NYT’s bestselling author:

  • Mayor de Blasio and the ACLU taking legal actions against the NYPD for their surveillance activities on mosques, endangering the citizens of New York City
  • Islamist supremacists leveraging the rights and privileges of a constitutional democracy like the United States, against its own citizens
  • How can the Democratic Party let a woman who put US human intelligence agents in mortal danger, be allowed to run for Commander in Chief?
  • While the FBI may not be able to indict Hillary Clinton, the Department of Justice will have to

Dr. DANIEL GOURÉ, Vice President of the Lexington Institute, Adjunct Professor at the National Defense University’s Homeland Security Program:

  • How the national security discussion at last night’s GOP Iowa debate has shown that the US no longer can maintain a global military, effective homeland security, and their nuclear deterrence
  • Ben Carson’s debate comments on the Muslim Brotherhood’s Explanatory Memorandum bringing stealth jihad into the national spotlight
  • Iran deliberately testing the US through strategic provocations
  • Endangering our servicemen/women by putting them in faulty military equipment
  • China continues to steal defense intelligence from the US

BILL GERTZ, Senior Editor at the Washington Free Beacon:

  • Reorganization of the PLA gives rise to a strategic support force and a hypersonic glider
  • Recent Russian provocation on US Air Force over the Black Sea

JIM HANSON, Executive VP of the Center for Security Policy, former operator in the US Army special forces:

  • Upcoming SASC hearing on implanting women in combat involuntarily
  • Sweden to remove 80,000 migrants
  • Institutions already present in Europe to radicalize migrants
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