Yesterday, Democratic Socialist presidential candidate Bernie Sanders tried to allay bipartisan concerns about his grasp of foreign policy by dropping names of those from whom he’s taking advice.

Far from putting to rest fears that he would be a dangerous Commander-in-Chief, the advisors he mentioned greatly exacerbated them.

First, Sen. Sanders cited Larry Korb, who – despite his tenure as an Assistant Secretary of Defense under Ronald Reagan – is best known for his rabid hostility to Reagan’s “peace through strength” strategy. Then, the would-be president referred to Jim Zogby, an Arab Christian who champions the causes of Islamic supremacists like those destroying his co-religionists in the Middle East.

Finally, Sen. Sanders said he was meeting with J Street. That’s the nominally Jewish anti-Semitic group that works to undermine support for Israel at home and abroad.

Sounds like Barack Obama on steroids.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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