Obama is trying once again to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay and this time, he might actually do it.

Lots of people think that’s a mistake. Yesterday on Secure Freedom Radio, Frank Gaffney spoke to two guests who offered their opinions on the issue.

First, Gaffney spoke to Ohio Congressman Bred Wenstrup who serves on the House Intelligence and Armed  Services Committees.

Gaffney made it clear that bringing prisoners from Gitmo to the United States is a violation of law to which Wenstrup responded:

“It’s very disappointing that time and time again for a variety of reasons, we’ve had to take this president to court for violations of the law and in this case, this is the very law that he signed and Attorney General Loretta Lynch confirmed in November that bringing detainees from Guantanamo to the U.S. is against the law… The president seems hard bent on trying to break the law and bring them here.”

Next, Gaffney spoke to Dr. Peter Brookes who is the Senior Fellow on National Security at the Heritage Foundation. On Gitmo detainees, Brookes said:

“These are the worst of the worst and they’ve tried very hard to get rid of them, send them to countries, to third-world countries, they don’t feel like they can do that. What I’m also worried about is that.. is this part of our Cuba policy? Some people are even talking about once he closes Gitmo, the president may decide to return Guantanamo Bay to Cuba… I’m also bothered when the president goes out there and says this is a major propaganda tool for the Jihadists. There’s been a number of studies done out there by the left and the right Frank, which say this is not the case.”

Gaffney made the ironic point that the closure of Gitmo will be seen by Islamists in ISIS and other groups as a great victory and who may end up using that fact as a recruitment tool.

Once again, Obama is putting his campaign promises and his legacy above the national security of the United States.

It makes no sense.

Secure Freedom Radio

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