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Just when you think President Obama’s nuclear “deal” with Iran couldn’t get any worse, it does. The President’s apologists have relentlessly downplayed the fact that there is, actually, no agreement, no basis for ensuring Iranian compliance, no constraint on the mullahs’ ballistic missile developments or their support for terrorism. Then there’s the $100-plus billions in unfrozen Iranian assets.

Over the weekend, however, majorities of hardliners, not putative moderates were elected to the parliament and the so-called Assembly of Experts. So much for the idea that capitulating across the board on the nuclear negotiations would lead to a fundamental transformation of Iran from an unalloyed threat to a modernizing member in good standing of the “community of nations.”

In short, we have been completely and utterly had, folks. And the blame lies squarely with the Obama administration for the likely, horrific consequences.

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