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Sen. Ted Cruz has established himself as the alternative to Donald Trump in the Republican presidential sweepstakes. I’d like to think that is, at least in part, because the sensible things he’s been saying about national security are resonating with voters.

Sen. Cruz is campaigning:

  • to restore America’s military, including by deploying the space-based defense essential to protecting against emerging missile threats;
  • to defeat the threat from Islamic supremacism, not only from violent jihadists like the Islamic State, but also the stealthy, seditious Muslim Brotherhood;
  • to secure the U.S. electric grid against electromagnetic pulse and other, potentially catastrophic threats;
  • to stand with Israel; and
  • to use all instruments of national power – as Ronald Reagan did to destroy the Soviet Union – against today’s enemies.

This platform contrasts dramatically with the Obama-Clinton legacy. It is a formula for winning in November – and beyond.

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