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With Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, Kurt Schlichter, Rep. Steve King, Michael Ramirez and David Bossie

Dr. ZUHDI JASSER, Founder and President of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy:

  • Overview of the Muslim Reform movement
  • The Muslim Brotherhood in America and its front groups
  • The bigotry of low expectations in the Obama administration

KURT SCHLICHTER, author of “Conservative Insurgency”, former US Army Colonel in Operation Desert Storm:

  • The US Army’s crisis of strategic visions, materials, and officer corps ethics
  • Failing to stand up to the social engineering of the military
  • Argument over female soldiers in direct ground combat situations

Rep. STEVE KING (IA-4), Member of the Committee on the Judiciary and the Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security:

  • Situational awareness about the national security situation among the House of Representatives
  • Politics being downstream from American culture
  • Legislation recommending the State Department designate the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization

MICHAEL RAMIREZ, two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist, co-editor of the Investor Business Daily editorial page:

  • Impact of visual messages, especially for young people
  • Is restriction on freedom of speech impacting political cartoons?

DAVID BOSSIE, President of Citizens United, former chief investigator for the House Committee of Government Reform and Oversight:

  • The story behind the infamous Citizens United Supreme Court decision
  • Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal in light of former staffer’s immunity by the Justice Department
  • Top Clinton aid Cheryl Mill’s criminal history
Secure Freedom Radio

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