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One of Frank Gaffney’s guests on Secure Freedom Radio yesterday was Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch.

Their discussion began with the stunning recent development of President Obama claiming that he’s more concerned about climate change than he is about the terror group ISIS.

Gaffney asked Spencer to comment and he pointed out that while the “science” behind climate change is up for dispute, the threat of ISIS is all too real.

“They have issued very detailed manuals to their own people in the west about how to blend in with the larger population, how to avoid FBI scrutiny or police scrutiny and how to carry out, to make the preparations, gather the materials and carry out a strike against American civilians.”

Spencer goes on to suggest that ISIS plans to carry out multiple small attacks and overwhelm law enforcement through “death by a thousand cuts” and says that is a threat the president is “brazenly discounting.”

Gaffney points to a recent Muslim Brotherhood campaign which was taken up by National Public Radio to urge young Muslims to model themselves after Muhammad in order to prevent extremism.

Spencer commented:

“It’s a very insidious project, because the more Muslims imitate Muhammad, the more likely they are to become terrorists, because you’re talking about a warlord who ordered the assassination of his enemies, who ordered his followers to fight against and subjugate unbelievers and so on.”

Finally, Gaffney brought up Donald Trump’s recent remark about Islam hating us, the American people and pointed out that Sharia Law does teach Muslims to hate non-believers.

Spencer notes that Trump said Islam hates us, not Muslims hate us and he expanded that thought:

“When one opens the texts and teachings of Islam, the Koran… one finds numerous statements of hatred against unbelievers who are called the most vile of created beings.”

President Obama must have missed that part.

Secure Freedom Radio

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