President Obama just signed an executive order establishing a “Global Engagement Center.” This initiative is supposed to “undermine the disinformation of violent extremist groups.” Unfortunately, those most likely to be disinformed by his new Center are the American people.

This program is rooted in the same mistaken notions that have brought us grief to date. Notably, we are told that the danger we face arises from “violent extremists.” In practice, that means Islamic supremacists associated with the putatively “non-violent” Muslim Brotherhood can be relied upon to advise on how to contend with “extremists” who use violence.

But the Brotherhood’s stealthy jihadists, who have exactly the same goals as violent ones like the Islamic State, insist the real threat arises from non-Muslims – notably, returning veterans, “Constitutionalists”, Tea Party activists and the like.

Such “engagement” is a formula for our defeat, not victory.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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