Frank Gaffney had Dr. Sebastian Gorka on Secure Freedom radio yesterday. Gorka is the author of “Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War.” He is also the Maj. General Matthew C. Horner Distinguished Chair of Military Theory at the Marine Corps University and an adjunct professor at the Institute of World Politics.

Gaffney kicked off their discussion by noting that there are different understandings of the term Jihad. He asked Gorka to define the term as he sees it:

“The blunt truth is that it’s a concept which has changed over time and has been redefined by men through the centuries so if you look at the original Koran you find that there is an expression of Jihad as inner striving or trying to resist temptation but that’s a fraction of the times that it is used. By far and away, the majority of instances where the word Jihad is used it is used to mean martial warfare, so physical warfare.”

Gorka suggests in this sense, Jihad was even sometimes used against Muslim leaders who were considered insufficiently Muslim. In the 20th century, Gorka suggests that Jihad took on a very specific meaning:

“The war a Muslim must engage in for the glory of Allah to reestablish and to expand the theocratic empire of the caliphate.”

Gorka suggested that groups like ISIS and others are practicing a form of religious totalitarianism and points out that when they take over a territory, they enslave the people. The imposition of Shariah Law takes place and it is not an option.

Gaffney asked Gorka to break this idea down in a historical sense and Gorka reminds us that Mohammed was not only a prophet for Islam but the final prophet as well as a head of state and head of military. Tribes of people who opposed him were essentially wiped out.

“Either you agree with the prophet and the new religion or you will be subjugated or you will be killed. That is not something which can be parsed, or interpreted or contextualized and anybody who says that’s not in the Koran simply hasn’t read it.”

Secure Freedom Radio

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