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With Dr. Peter Brookes, Claudia Rosett, Jose Cardenas and Michael Cutler

Dr. PETER BROOKES, Senior Fellow in National Security Affairs at the Heritage Foundation:

  • Obama’s decision to lift arms embargo on Vietnam
  • Should U.S. sell arms to Taiwan?
  • The President’s plan to visit Hiroshima
  • Drone strike on Taliban leader in Pakistan
  • Russia’s continued military provocations

CLAUDIA ROSETT, contributing columnist at, blogs at PJ Media’s “Rosett Report”:

  • China’s hegemonic expansion
  • Problems with opening U.S. weapon sales to Vietnam
  • What is President Obama going to say at Hiroshima?

JOSÉ CARDENAS, Associate at VisionAmericas, Blogs at Foreign Policy Magazine’s “Shadow Government”:

  • Current state of Venezuelan unrest
  • What should U.S. policy be towards Maduro in the midst of his military buildup?
  • A post-Dilama Rousseff Brazil

MICHAEL CUTLER, Retired Senior Special Agent of the former Immigration and Naturalization Services:

  • Secretary of State John Kerry’s “borderless” world
  • Smart questions for 2016 presidential candidates concerning illegal immigration
  • Threats posed by un-vetted migrants and immigrants
Secure Freedom Radio

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