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President Obama is obsessed with repudiating America’s Cold War policies. He has: vainly sought to “reset” relations with Russia’s anti-U.S. dictator; struck a terrible deal with Iran, in part, as compensation for CIA involvement in a coup there long ago; and provided political legitimacy and economic life-support to Cuba’s still-hostile Stalinist regime.

Now, Mr. Obama is using shared concerns about Chinese militarism as cover for yet another repudiation of past American stances, by allowing communist Vietnam access to U.S. weapons systems.

In this case, the misplaced priority Team Obama gives to helping Cold War enemies is showcased by the fact that pro-U.S. nations no less in Beijing’s cross-hairs than Vietnam – like Taiwan and the Philippines – are not receiving such presidential attention or help with their defenses. Showing yet again that, under Obama, it’s better to be America’s foe, than its friend.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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