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With Rowan Scarborough, Rick Manning, Frank Calzon, Gordon Chang

ROWAN SCARBOROUGH, author of “Rumsfeld’s War” and “Sabotage”, national security columnist at the Washington Times:

  • Talk about the Orlando terror attack and the jihad in America
  • ISIS’s media infrastructure and the importance of destroying the group’s headquarters in Raqqa
  • The mistake of closing Guantanamo Bay and releasing detainees


  • Security risks to Egypt and Israel from an increased Islamic State foothold in the Sinai Peninsula
  • Navy Secretary Ray Mabus’ legacy
  • How social engineering harms military readiness
  • Women to be eligible for selective service?

RICHARD MANNING, President of Americans for Limited Government:

  • The Orlando Attacks
  • Net Neutrality and internet censorship
  • The TPP Deal

FRANK CALZON, executive director of the Center for a Free Cuba:

  • Conversation about the Obama Administration’s Cuba policy
  • Human rights violations by the Castro regime

GORDON CHANG, author of “The Coming Collapse of China” and “Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes on the World”:

  • Assessment of China’s economic performance in 2016 so far
  • China’s stock market darlings, Alibaba and Lenovo’s recent struggles
  • China’s support of the North Korean nuclear program
  • North Korea and China’s assessments of Donald Trump
Secure Freedom Radio

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