President Obama and Hillary Clinton are struggling to deflect mounting criticism about their willful blindness to the fact that we confront a global jihad movement that seeks to destroy our country and its people. They refuse to acknowledge that many millions of Islamic supremacists – not just relative handfuls of inexplicably “violent extremists” – are using both murderous jihad and stealthy subversion to impose worldwide the brutally repressive form of totalitarianism known as sharia.

One can almost hear Hillary screeching once again, “What difference does it really make?”

Actually, this failure is not just about their serially lying to the American people. It is at the heart of disastrous policies that both Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton have pursued in places like Egypt, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran – and here – that have squandered lives and national treasure, and left us far less safe.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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