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Another day, another act of jihad.  Fortunately, even as Islamists were blowing up Turkey’s biggest airport yesterday, the first serious congressional oversight hearing since 9/11 was illuminating why such acts of Islamic holy war have been obscured, denied and arguably enabled by the U.S. government.

Senate Judiciary Subcommittee Chairman Ted Cruz deserves great credit for empaneling a group of Muslim and non-Muslim patriots – and individuals who are associated with or enablers of the Muslim Brotherhood’s stealthy influence operations – to discuss how such subversive forms of jihad have helped take down our first lines of defense against them.

Obama administration witnesses declined to participate.  We can only hope that, in light of what was uncovered yesterday in the way of the deep penetration of our government and official malfeasance, Sen. Cruz will convene another hearing and, if necessary, compel government testimony via subpoena.   

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