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The Washington Free Beacon reports today that over half-a-million girls and women in America have already had their genitals cut or removed – or risk having that happen to them. How on earth could such a barbaric practice be occurring, not just elsewhere, but here in the United States?

The short answer is Sharia – the totalitarian Islamic supremacist doctrine that legitimates such abuse of women and requires jihad. It also calls for murdering homosexuals and repression or death for Jews and other minorities.

Incredibly, this repressive Sharia doctrine is being insinuated into this country not just by Islamists. They are being aided and abetted by some on the political left – a reality made all the more bizarre, and outrageous, given the fact that women, gays and Jews are among the left’s principal constituencies.

Sharia kills and mutilates. It must not do so here.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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