Frank Gaffney: Welcome to Secure Freedom Radio. This is Frank Gaffney your host and guide for what I think of as an intelligence briefing on the war for the free world. A man who has recently contributed mightily to our understanding of a very insidious part of that war is our first guest. He is Richard Pollock. One of the country’s best investigative reporters, these days with the Daily Caller News Foundation but in previous incarnations he’s been with the Washington Examiner, PJ Media, Good Morning America, Fox News Sunday and more. Richard has just recently published at the Daily Caller News Foundation an extraordinarily important piece. It is entitled “Bill Clinton got millions from world’s biggest Sharia law education firm.” It is a fascinating read and I commend it to all of you and I’m delighted to talk a little bit about with the author, Richard Pollock. Welcome back, sir. Good to have you as always.

Pollock: Thank you

Frank: So give us in the shortest of short forms what you have uncovered as a result of your investigation into the GEMS education outfit out of Dubai?

Pollock: It has been common knowledge for quite some time that former President Bill Clinton received just shy of $6 million from this GEMS educational organization. It is headquartered in Dubai. It is one of the largest K-12 educational networks throughout the Middle East, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, and even Asia. They even have two small schools in the United States. What is underlying the philosophy and underpinnings of GEMS International and is really one of the thriving inspirational offerings that they are interested in spreading is Sharia Law, which is a particular Islamic law interested in dominating the West and substituting secular law for their law. Of course a lot of people have talked about Sharia law as being one that threatens human rights and also threatens women’s rights. We’ve heard so much about women who can’t drive in Saudi Arabia for example but others things they cannot do. And of course homosexuals – lesbians, gays, transgender people – they are all brutally suppressed under Sharia law. It was really quite stunning to me that Bill Clinton not only associated himself with this educational network of schools, but that he received $5.6 million straight out from this organization over a five year period and has openly reported it on his income tax returns with Hillary Clinton.

Frank: You have also indicated that the Varkey Foundation, which is a project of the owner of GEMS, also has ties and has been quite lucrative with Bill Clinton and I think the Clinton Foundation as well?

Pollock: Yes, so the CEO of GEMS Education is a gentleman named Sunny Varkey who is a billionaire, his assets are about $2.1 billion. It really seems like Hillary and Bill are really so attracted to billionaires. So it almost becomes non-news. In any event, Sunny Varkey, being a billionaire also created a non-profit foundation called the Varkey Foundation. They themselves have given between 1 and 5 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation. Plus Sunny Varkey has given between about $250-500 thousand. And the two groups – Varkey Foundation and GEMS Education, those two groups do a lot of programming with the Clinton Foundation. Sunny Varkey himself was a featured guest and major sponsor of the Clinton global initiative meetings. It is a very tight relationship between Mr. Varkey and Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Frank: Lots of folks, notably the Islamic State but also the Muslim Brotherhood want to impose it [Sharia] worldwide. The question occurs, would the Clintons have known that this was a feature of the GEMS education program? Would they in their association with Sunny Varkey have reason to believe that they were essentially aligned with people who are trying to bring this, not just unconstitutional but anti-constitutional agenda – women hating agenda to places like America for that matter?

Pollock: So I think there are a lot of criticisms of Bill and Hillary Clinton, but one of them that has never been launched successfully is that they are oblivious people. They are very strong people. In fact, they are worldly – they have a sense of how the world operates and it is impossible to believe that they could be associated with a series of schools throughout the Islamic region of the Middle East and North Africa, and even in Kenya and Uganda with Muslim schools there, and not understand and not be aware that Sharia law is a part of Islamic life. It is a code of ethics and legal doctrine that they believe trumps Western or secular law. It is a substitute and a superior law over man made laws. It is impossible it seems to me that Bill and Hillary Clinton could have not known that this is a parcel of the Islamic State. This goes to the heart of Secretary Clinton or Presidential candidate Clinton that she will not use the word radical and jihad along with the word Muslims. These folks are very sophisticated people. They understand the Islamic world. They are in complete denial when they talk to the public about it.

Frank: One aspect of your piece that caught my attention in particular that a new monograph will be publishing it at the Center for Security Policy next week dealing with this phenomenon known as Sharia compliant finance. Richard Pollock you indicate that this GEMS Education company has used Sharia compliant finance to raise very large amounts of money for its projects. Would you talk a little bit about what this is and what it suggests again about the agenda of this company and perhaps therefore people associated with it including the Clintons?

Pollock: Well Sharia finance is something that has been around since probably the 1950s. It is an attempt to have an underground economy that is outside the legitimate banking system. Many organizations and many companies that want to do business in the Middle East are encouraged to not only do Sharia financing but to actually have on their payroll Sharia finance advisors which of course GEMS Education does have. They have two whole teams of Sharia advisors on Sharia finance itself. You might say so okay they have an underground alternative economic system, what’s the problem? Well it turns out part of the bedrock of Sharia finance is a Sharia tax to provide for other types of communities in the society. And 1 of the 8 different taxes is that you must pay funds to a jihad, which is really a code word for war with the West and war with their enemies.

Frank: so what you are talking about here really is that a company that the Clintons have been deeply involved with for years having as part of its program promoting this economic generator of funds for Zakat as they call it and therefore for jihad. This perhaps explains to some extent why we’ve seen Hillary Clinton personally so willing to embrace and engage and otherwise empower and legitimate folks who have this same agenda, notably the Muslim Brotherhood, and I would specifically call out Huma Abedin, her right hand gal for some 16 years now. These are all subjects I hope we can return to sometime soon…Richard Pollock thank you and come back to us soon.

Secure Freedom Radio

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