With Sebastian Gorka, Kevin Freeman, Tom Rogan and Benjamin Weingarten

SEBASTIAN GORKA, Chairman of the Threat Knowledge Group, author of “Defeating Jihad: the Winnable War”:

  • ISIS is totalitarianism centered around religion
  • What does it take to win the war against Jihad?
  • Jihadist use of both kinetic and subversive methods against western civilization

KEVIN FREEMAN, Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy, Creator of GlobalEconomicWarfare.com:

  • Open society foundation attempted to block dissenters on the Internet
  • Why ICANN must be stopped

TOM ROGAN, Columnist at the National Review, Senior Fellow at the Steamboat Institute:

  • Putin’s strategy for Syria and the Middle East

BEN WEINGARTEN, Contributor to Conservative Review, Founder of Change Up Media LLC:

  • UK quarantining Jihad in prisons
  • The problems with “Countering Violent Extremism”
Secure Freedom Radio

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