The disease known in official circles as “willful blindness” about the nature of the threat we are facing from Islamic supremacists is reaching epidemic proportions.

In the wake of last weekend’s attacks, New York City Mayor Bill DiBlasio, President Obama and others have gone to considerable lengths to downplay the jihadist nature of the perpetrators and the ideology animating their violence.

The Wall Street Journal yesterday reported on the difficulty “experts” are having figuring out the Islamists’ motivation. And the U.S. Senate may shortly institutionalize such muddle-headedness by creating an Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security to work with so-called “community partners” on “countering violent extremism.”

Fortunately, Rep. Scott Perry will hold a hearing in the House of Representatives today aimed at assessing the utter failure of this approach and how the willful blindness it epitomizes is putting Americans at needless, and growing, risk.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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