Nailed ’em – 15 ‘Useful Infidels’ who Enable Islamic Supremacism

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The Middle East Forum just published a “field guide” to the United States’ most prominent enablers of Islamic supremacism.  It identifies fifteen of these individuals as “useful infidels” – including actor Ben Affleck, CIA Director John Brennan and Southern Poverty Law Center founder Morris Dees.

The new field guide responds to a similar document issued recently by Dees’ discredited organization that slandered yours truly and fourteen other American freedom-fighters as “anti-Muslim extremists.”

The contrast between the two products is like the difference between lightning and lightning bugs. The useful infidels have demonstrably defended, promoted and otherwise aided Islamists seeking our submission to their anti-constitutional Sharia doctrine.

The patriots attacked by the Southern Poverty Law Center, on the other hand, have earned its wrath simply for opposing that agenda.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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