With Jim Hanson, Diana West, Tom Nichols, and Rowan Scarborough

JIM HANSON, Executive Vice President at the Center for Security Policy:

  • The Center for Security Policy wins defamation lawsuit against ‘Clockboy’

DIANA WEST, Author of Death of the Grown Up and American Betrayal:

  • Were the Podesta e-mails released by Wikileaks accurate?
  • The long history of Russian infiltration

TOM NICHOLS, Professor of National Security Affairs at the US Naval War College:

  • Russia and Wikileaks
  • Press coverage of political leaks

ROWAN SCARBOROUGH, National Security Reporter at The Washington Times

  • NCSC report on the global shift in terrorism strategy
  • The difficulty of preventing small cell terrorism
  • Telegram, the app that helps terrorists communicate
Secure Freedom Radio

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