This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

It finally ends today. With the peaceful transfer of power in Washington from Barack Obama to Donald Trump, what might be described as our long national nightmare will be over.

Eight years of fundamentally transforming America. Eight years of an Obama Doctrine that emboldened our enemies, undermined our allies and diminished our country. Eight years of radical leftist domestic policies that seemed calculated to sow discord among the American people and, in recent days especially, to undermine the incoming administration from the get-go.

It remains to be seen, of course, what will come next – especially given the determination of Mr. Obama actively to oppose his successor. But Mr. Trump’s record of accomplishing big things, his palpable love of this nation and his commitment to make it great again holds out the prospect of a much-needed course-correction and inspiring renewal.

Let’s roll.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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