Michael Flynn is a patriot, an accomplished intelligence leader and a decorated veteran. I am proud to consider him a friend and delighted that Donald Trump has selected the retired Lieutenant General to be his National Security Advisor.

Others are not so happy.

They include the hard left and other “Never Trumpers” who seek, first and foremost, to undermine the new administration. Some foreign governments obviously don’t like Gen. Flynn’s clear-eyed understanding of the threats they pose to our country and his ability to help the President counter them.

And some are terrified by the prospect that Mike Flynn will help Donald Trump drain the swamp of politicized, bloated bureaucracy that now reduces the effectiveness of U.S. intelligence. Hence, it appears, groundless suggestions that Flynn dealt improperly with Russian officials.

To all such critics, I say Godspeed and good hunting, Mike Flynn.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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