With Joe diGenova, Fred Fleitz, Rick Fisher and Patrick Dunleavy

JOE DIGENOVA, Former U.S. Attorney, District of Columbia:

  • Federal courts in Hawaii and Maryland freeze President Trumps new executive order
  • Why there are no answers on the Trump ‘wire tap’ allegations

FRED FLEITZ, former CIA analyst, Executive Vice President of Policy and Programs at the Center for Security Policy:

  • Judicial over reach
  • Examples of waste at the State Department
  • Overhauling the intelligence community
  • House IT staff security breach

RICK FISHER, Senior Fellow, Asian Military Affairs at the International Assessment and Strategy Center:

  • Implications of Chinese military build up
  • Chinese naval base in Djibouti
  • Beijing’s nuclear force modernization program

PATRICK DUNLEAVY, Former Deputy Inspector General for the New York State Department of Corrections:

  • Implications of judge freezing Trump’s new immigration executive order
  • NYPD’s Intelligence Division investigations to be handed over to a civilian monitor appointed by Mayor de Blasio
Secure Freedom Radio

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