With Nonie Darwish, Rowan Scarborough, Russ Dallen and Bill Gertz

NONIE DARWISH, Founder of Arabs for Israel, Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy:

  • Female Genital Mutilation in Egypt
  • Is FGM just a cultural problem?
  • Difference between FGM and ‘female circumcision’

ROWAN SCARBOROUGH, National Security Reporter at The Washington Times:

  • British spy responsible for Trump Buzzfeed dossier admits charges are unverified
  • Deployment of THADD missile battery to South Korea
  • Mark Green – next Trump pick for Army Secretary

RUSS DALLEN, President and Editor in Chief at the Latin American Herald Tribune:

  • Corey Lewandowski leaves lobby firm after reports of lobbying for CITGO
  • Venezuelan Humanitarian Assistance and Defense of Democratic Governance Act

BILL GERTZ, Senior Editor at the Washington Free Beacon:

  • Chinese supercomputers surpassing U.S. capabilities
  • Politicized security clearance process
  • MEMRI study about countering online jihad
Secure Freedom Radio

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