The Bolton Plan McMaster Doesn’t Want the President to See

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Arguably, the most brilliant – and certainly the most principled – national security practitioner of our time is John Bolton. He has served at senior levels in various departments in three administrations.  Most recently, he was a superb U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

President Trump is among those who have come to appreciate John Bolton’s skills and his commitment to Making America Great Again.  So, a few weeks ago, Mr. Trump’s Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon, asked the ambassador to develop a plan for withdrawing from the fraudulent and defective Obamabomb deal with Iran – something the President can’t seem to get from National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster.

Unfortunately, with Mr. Bannon’s departure from the White House, Mr. Bolton has been unable to present his plan to the President.  So, he published it at National Review Online for all of us to read – and promote for urgent implementation.

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