The Bible made famous King Solomon’s wisdom in determining an infant’s true mother by announcing that two claimants would each get one half.  If you ever wondered what an actual split baby would be like, look no further than President Trump’s tortured decision about Deferred Action for Dependent Children or DACA.

On the one hand, Mr. Trump gave his electoral base an end to President Obama’s unconstitutional program for legalizing the presence of some 800,000 erstwhile children brought here illegally by their parents.  But, on the other hand, he has not only given Congress six months to legalize that program and the so-called DACA kids up to two more years to enjoy its benefits.  He says he’ll revisit his decision to terminate DACA if lawmakers don’t keep it alive.

This split baby is unacceptable.  The DACA amnesty must end.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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