Helping Iran Get the Bomb Isn’t in America’s Interest, Neither is Its Conquest of Kurdistan

Last week, President Trump declared that the Obamabomb deal with Iran was not in America’s vital interests.  Today came a fresh reminder of just how much Iran’s ambitions are at odds with our security priorities.

This morning, Iranian-dominated Iraqi forces invaded the Kurdish-controlled areas that voted in September to become independent. Oil fields and the city of Kirkuk appear to be the immediate target, but crushing the Kurds’ aspirations for a sovereign state is surely the ultimate objective.

It is no more in America’s interests to see the mullahs consolidate their control of all of Iraq than it is to have them continue to make progress on acquiring the Bomb.  An independent Kurdistan would welcome U.S. bases, enabling us to help protect Christians and other minorities seeking refuge there and creating a counterweight to hostile Iranian, Turkish and Syrian regimes.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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