In an era characterized by cynicism and dishonesty in public life, a Washington audience last night heard an inspiring – and much-needed – call for truth-telling.  At a gala dinner hosted by our Center for Security Policy, Texas Senator Ted Cruz specifically stressed the imperative of honestly and accurately characterizing the existential threat posed by “jihadists and Islamists,” both here and abroad.

The Senator warned of the “willful blindness” concerning the Sharia-supremacism of the Muslim Brotherhood and its stated determination to destroy Western civilization from within. And he urged that the Brotherhood be officially designated as the foreign terrorist organization it is.

Senator Cruz’s clarion call is all the more important – and appreciated – for its being made at a time when Leftists and their Sharia-supremacist allies are working so hard to vilify truth-tellers.  It behooves all of us to stand up and do the same.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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